Our SEN and Disability offer
How does the pre-school / nursery know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child has special educational needs?
All staff at Claverham Day Nursery hold appropriate childcare qualifications and have a good sound knowledge of child development. Your child will be allocated a keyworker who they are able to build up a good relationship with. Through this system we pride ourselves on our strong parent partnership and find that we are able to talk freely with our parents about any concerns they may have regarding their child’s development.
We use a Learning Journey to collate evidence about your child’s time with us at nursery. We will observe your child’s activities and, through these observations, staff are able to build up a picture of your child’s interests and needs.
How will the pre-school / nursery support my child with special educational needs?
You will work closely with your child’s keyworker who will be supported by the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) to ensure that your child’s needs are being fully met. Your child will have their own Setting Support Plan (SSP) or an Educational, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), depending on their specific needs.
Regular progress meetings and transition meetings are held to review your child’s progress and next steps are discussed with parents, keyworkers and SENCO. We work alongside other professionals and jointly agree targets for the SSP.
Every child is planned for individually. The SENCO and keyworker work together to produce a SSP with achievable targets. The SSP is explained to the parent and they sign and keep a copy. At the end of the plan we invite parents in to discuss progress and set a new plan.
The keyworker works on the SSP targets set each week and records the child’s progress towards them by way of photos and written observations.
When the SSP period comes to an end the SENCO and keyworker will discuss whether the targets have been achieved and set new targets or continue with the existing.
By regular meetings with the parents and keyworkers we can discuss the child’s progress and work together to achieve the goals set.
How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child / young person will receive?
We try and match our resources with a child’s individual needs to enable them to join in and have a sense of achievement in completing the activity. If specialist equipment is required we can apply for additional funding. The professionals that work alongside the nursery often supply additional specialist resources for us and our families to use.
A meeting with you will be arranged and the needs of your child would be discussed with you in confidence. If parents are in agreement, the Nursery Manager will complete relevant forms to apply for funding to employ an INA if needed. If your child does not need an INA to support them, individual support sessions in a quieter environment in the nursery will be used, such as during speech and language time. This programme will be led by the SENCO and undertaken by your child’s keyworker.
For further information please click here.
How will the pre-school / nursery review my child’s progress and how shall they share it with me?
We use a parent / nursery contact book system that you can write in to communicate with us, and similarly we can write to you regarding relevant information. We may sometimes ask you to help us at home with some of the activities that we do at nursery, to support your child’s learning. Outside professionals also provide relevant resources for us to work with in nursery and will provide a second copy for you and your child to use at home. Verbal contact takes place on a daily basis with your keyworker. You will also receive regular reports on your child’s progress. Additional meetings are always available by request; please email or telephone to arrange.
We have a six week settling in meeting for new starters and we do a termly unique child report and consultation with the parents. In the summer term before school we complete a transition document which goes to the child chosen school.
SEN additional – The SSP is reviewed every six weeks with a meeting with parents to discuss progress and set new targets. We share progress from other agencies involved such as speech and language, physiotherapist, play therapy etc.
We have a good rapport with Battle Children’s Centre and leaflets regarding parental courses/sessions are displayed on our parent notice board. Makaton training and other courses are often available for parents whose children have speech and language difficulties.
What support will there be for my child’s overall well being?
All staff are trained Early Years Practitioners. We provide warm, caring and nurturing child care, creating a friendly and stimulating learning environment tailored to the individual. Staff are paediatric first aid trained and should any specialist medication need to be administered, the relevant staff would attend training, to ensure appropriate support. We want all our children to feel that they are a valued part of our nursery community.
Support for well being:
Pastoral |
Designated keyworker / INA |
Medical |
All staff hold a paediatric first aid certificate |
Social |
Designated keyworker / INA Small group work with a child they get along with |
Behaviour |
behaviour management policy and risk assessment policy |
What training do the staff have in supporting children with special educational needs or disabilities?
Our SENCO attends Inclusion Support Group meetings on a regular basis to update her knowledge. Staff are encouraged to attend any relevant training to support their role as a keyworker and information gained from these training courses is shared with the rest of the team at the next staff meeting.
The SENCO and the manager will work closely with relevant professionals and cascade the knowledge to other people in the setting.
What specialist services and support are available to the pre-school / nursery?
Our SENCO attends regular training and update sessions to further her knowledge and experience. Some of our staff have a good knowledge of Makaton. We have good links with the Speech and Language Therapy Service, Early Years Teaching and Support Service, a play therapist, a physiotherapist, psychologist and occupational health. These professionals visit the nursery and are able to advise in their specific area. Claverham Day Nursery has access to the full range of Local Authority specialist services.
For further information please click here.
How will my child / young person be included in activities outside the pre-school / nursery, including trips?
We aim to provide each child with the opportunity to access all that the nursery has to offer. If needed, an individual needs assistant (INA) will support your child. We have extensive grounds that we can use for outdoor learning.When relevant a risk assessment may be completed on your child to ensure they remain safe at all times.
How accessible is the pre-school / nursery?
The whole nursery is wheelchair accessible. We have a dedicated disabled parking space for relevant parents to use. All furniture and equipment is at the child’s level and toys and resources are easily accessible to all of our children.
We have clearly labelled boxes using photos and text. This enables our children who have little or no language skills to tell us what they want. Every room has a visual timetable, photos and text labelling all at the child’s level. Additional resources will be made up for individual child’s needs. At present we do not have a hearing loop but would apply for funding if required.
We have a separate nappy changing area and toilet facilities. The cubicles are large enough to have grab handles fitted if needed. The end cubicle could be fitted out to accommodate a child with additional needs with hand rails and seat. We ensure that we provide a fully inclusive service for parents/carers and their families. We welcome and value the cultural, linguistic and educational experiences that children with English as an additional language bring to the nursery.
How will the pre-school / nursery help my child move on to school?
When your child is due to move on from nursery to primary school the keyworker or INA will have completed a transition document and a meeting will be arranged to discuss your child’s needs at school. There will be a meeting at nursery with the parent/s, keyworker, SENCO, manager and INA. The receiving school will visit your child at nursery to get to know them a little and will encourage your child to visit the school to familiarise them with their new environment. If required a meeting can be arranged between nursery, school and parents to discuss your child’s transition, share documents from other agencies involved and submit SSP’s showing current progress.
Give us your views about this information
Contact localoffer@eastsussex.gov.uk or call Information for Families 0345 60 80 192
More information, advice and support
The local offer - what is available for children and young people with special educational needs in East Sussex
Information for Families (including SEN and disability advice service)
Phone: 03456 080192
Text: 07797 870317
email: informationforfamilies@eastsussex.gov.uk
Date issued: December 2016
Review due: December 2017